I love to create characters and concepts for Picture books and Board books. I have many concepts that I am currently working on. I would love to talk to you if you are a Publisher or Agent interested in my work. Here are just a few of my original characters for my story ideas.
A comic Octopus and a little girl meet one day. Octopus takes the girl on a journey into her imagination in a way only an octopus can.
A Mother Rabbit just cannot get her baby to sleep. Try as hard as she might, Mother Rabbit decides to seek help from the local community to see just how they manage to have a restful night's sleep. She finds that she is not alone in her endevours.
A little boy loves Tigers. He is curious to find that Tiger was very knowledgable and so he began asking Tiger lots of questions about the world around him. How will Tiger respond to the boy's constant questioning?